Bet, atgriežoties pie filmas, šoreiz, izņēmuma kārtā, pat atļaušos ievietot informatīvu citātu no Rodžera Eberta recenzijas :
"Tarsem's "The Fall" is a mad folly, an extravagant visual orgy, a free-fall from reality into uncharted realms. Surely it is one of the wildest indulgences a director has ever granted himself. Tarsem, for two decades a leading director of music videos and TV commercials, spent millions of his own money to finance "The Fall," filmed it for four years in 28 countries and has made a movie that you might want to see for no other reason than because it exists. There will never be another like it."
"Tarsem's "The Fall" is a mad folly, an extravagant visual orgy, a free-fall from reality into uncharted realms. Surely it is one of the wildest indulgences a director has ever granted himself. Tarsem, for two decades a leading director of music videos and TV commercials, spent millions of his own money to finance "The Fall," filmed it for four years in 28 countries and has made a movie that you might want to see for no other reason than because it exists. There will never be another like it."
Lai kā arī būtu, "The Fall" esmu pievienojusi savai visu laiku labāko filmu listei un arī jums, kas to vēl nav redzējuši, iesaku mudīgi noskatīties - vēlams versiju ar pēc iespējas lielāku izšķirtspēju! Un lielais fui tiem, kas filmu bija redzējuši, bet man ne pušplēsta vārda netika teikuši! Speciāli priekš tādiem indivīdiem, kādreiz, iespējams, tiks sacerēta dziesma "Hell Circus", un es pat negribu iedomāties kādu klipu Massive Attack varētu saveidot priekš šīs versijas. [Skatīt oriģinālo "Paradise Circus" video.]
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